
Posts Tagged ‘religion’



Recently, at my Jewish roots Bible study, we got into a discussion regarding why one of the words for God in the Bible – Elohim – is in the plural form in the original Hebrew of Genesis 1:1, and also why God says in Genesis 1:26, “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness…” In fact, there are numerous other passages in which the plural form of God, Elohim, is used instead of other singular forms. Those familiar with the Shema know that God Himself said, “Hear O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one!” (Deuteronomy 6:4) Interestingly, the word for God in this passage of scripture is Elohim (plural), but in the very next breath it says “the Lord is one!” So, why would God inspire the writers of the Bible to use the word Elohim in some passages instead of a singular form of the word?

At my Bible study, different people gave analogies in an attempt to explain this concept. One person gave the example of water being composed of H20, but with three different states – solid, liquid, and gas. Another example given was the analogy of a candle which consists of the wax, the wick, and the flame – all with different properties, but belonging to the same candle. Then I chimed in with what I had heard someone say several years ago that made a great deal of sense to me. I even wrote about it in one of my previous articles entitled “If I Should Die Before I Wake…

Basically, the person was trying to explain the concept of the Trinity, which we know is a heated point of contention between other religions and Christianity – and even within Christendom. He said that humans are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and we consist of three parts – spirit, soul, and body. (*Genesis 2:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:23)   However, we consider ourselves to be one person – not three. Likewise, God consists of three parts – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19; I John 5:7) And just as the Shema states, He also considers Himself to be one – not three.

So perhaps this is the reason why the Bible uses the plural form for God, Elohim, because He is made up of three parts…just as we are.


*The word for breath in Hebrew is ruach – the word imitates the very sound of breath – is the same word for Spirit, as is the case in both ancient Greek (pneuma) and Latin (spiritus). God created man by putting His breath, His Spirit, within him.   (David Guzik: Study Guide for Genesis 2)


(Image Credit:  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elohim_ebraico.jpeg)


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Do you believe in evolution and that the idea of a God who created the universe and everything in it is absolute absurdity?  Or perhaps you are one who cannot understand how anyone could believe that everything began with nothing…and then the nothing went BANG!…and so on and so on.

Well, no matter what our beliefs, we are all in for a genuine treat.  Tonight Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis will be debating Bill Nye the Science Guy at 7:00 p.m./ET.  It should prove to be VERY interesting. 

Click on the following link to watch it live.   http://debatelive.org/


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The following is a very timely message given by Israeli leader Amir Tsarfati about two weeks ago.  It centers around Isaiah 17:1 which says, “The burden against Damascus. ‘Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, And it will be a ruinous heap.'” Considering the current events that are happening with Syria, the United States, and Russia, will this scripture be fulfilled very soon? It looks like a strong possibility.

Please click on the following title to watch the video.  May it cause you to have an ever-present awareness of these last days that we’re living in — and may it also be a blessing to you.

The Burden Against Damascus

(Mr. Tsarfati’s introduction begins at minute 26:32.)

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The following is the Spanish version of my tract entitled “None of Us are Promised Tomorrow.”  Special thanks to my friend, Priscila Ramirez, for the amazing  job she did in translating it.  May it be a blessing to many!


¿Que pasaría si murieras hoy repentinamente?  Esto sucede todo el tiempo. Tanto ancianos como jóvenes mueren en accidentes automovilísticos a diario. Ataques cardiacos son la causa de miles de muertes anuales. En estos tiempos que vivimos, después de lo ocurrido en la ciudad de Nueva York el 11 de septiembre del 2001, no sabemos lo que nos pudiera suceder en cualquier momento.

Una de las preguntas que mucha gente se hace es referente a la existencia del cielo y del infierno y a cual de los dos lugares irán al morir.  También hay quienes piensan que no hay una conciencia real sobre la muerte y que simplemente dejarán de existir. ¿Cual es la verdad?  Cada uno de nosotros debe entender esto antes de que nuestro tiempo en esta tierra se termine.


En la vida hay mucho más de lo que podemos ver, oír, tocar, oler y probar.  Los seres humanos tenemos un cuerpo físico, sin embargo muchos no se dan cuenta de que también tenemos alma y espíritu. El espíritu conforma quienes somos verdaderamente, el verdadero túLa condición o estado de nuestro espíritu es la que determinará donde pasaremos la eternidad al morir.

Cuando los primeros seres humanos, Adán y Eva, comieron del fruto prohibido pecaron por desobedecer a Dios, ellos murieron espiritualmente.  Esto significa que su espíritu fue separado de Dios, su Creador.  Este estado de su espíritu ha sido heredado a sus hijos de generación en generación. Esto nos incluye a tí y a mí. Cuando nacemos en este mundo, estamos espiritualmente muertos. Es por esta razón que Jesús dijo que debemos nacer de nuevo (nacimiento espiritual) para entrar en el reino de Dios. (“De cierto, de cierto te digo, que el que no naciere de nuevo, no puede ver el reino de Dios.” Juan 3:3).


Porque Dios es misericordioso, él nos da la manera de reconciliarnos con él y reparar esa condición de muerte espiritual.  Bajo la ley de Dios, cuando se comete un pecado, una muerte tiene que ocurrir. Para poder cumplir con la penalidad de muerte por nuestros pecados (mentir, hablar mal de los demás, tener malos pensamientos, etc.), Dios necesitaba un ser humano SIN pecado para morir de una vez por todas para que nuestros pecados fueran lavados, nuestro espíritu naciera de nuevo y así pasar de la muerte a la vida. En otras palabras, Dios necesitaba el sacrificio humano perfecto para pagar la penalidad de la muerte por nuestros pecados. Como los hijos de Adán y Eva recibieron el pecado de sus padres, Dios tuvo que mandar a su propio Hijo para que llevara a cabo este sacrificio. ¡No había otra manera!     (“Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo, que dio a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo el que cree en él no perezca para siempre, sino que tenga vida eterna.”  Juan 3:16).


“En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo era con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios.”  (Juan 1:1)   “Y aquel Verbo fue hecho carne, y habitó entre nosotros…”  (Juan 1:14)

¿Quién es el Verbo?  Se refiere a Jesucristo, el Hijo de Dios.  El fue hecho carne hace aproximadamente 2.000  años y habitó entre nosotros como un ser humano perfecto para pagar así por nuestros pecados con su propia muerte en la cruz.  La única manera en la que nuestro espíritu puede ser reconciliado con Dios es mediante nuestra aceptación de que Jesús murió por nuestros pecados. (“Jesús les dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí”  Juan 14:6).

Algunas personas asumen que lo único que necesitan para que Dios les permita entrar al cielo es un buen comportamiento y hacer  mas cosas buenas que malas. Sin embargo, al hacer estas cosas no se corrige la condición de nuestra muerte espiritual. Solamente al creer con fé y aceptar el sacrificio que Jesús hizo en la cruz una persona podrá estar asegura de que ira al cielo y será salva.


¿Cuál es la condición de tu espíritu?  ¿Está el  verdadero tú  realmente vivo porque has aceptado lo que Jesús hizo por ti en la cruz, o estas todavía muerto espiritualmente? Si esto describe tu condición actual, entonces cuando des tu último aliento en esta tierra, permanecerás así por toda la eternidad. No permitas que esto te pase a ti. Acepta la manera que te da Dios para lograr esa reconciliación con él.  Repite la siguiente oración (o una similar), hazlo a conciencia y con todo tu corazón.

Dios Padre, reconozco que soy un   pecador y necesito ser rescatado de la muerte eterna. Yo creo que tú enviaste a tu Hijo Jesucristo a morir por mis pecados. Sé que ninguna cantidad de buenas obras me podrá reconciliar contigo, solamente mi creencia en Jesús y lo que hizo por mí en la cruz podrá salvarme. Te pido que perdones mis pecados, revivas mi espíritu, y me coloques en tu reino celestial. En el nombre de tu Hijo Jesucristo,  Amen.

Si acabas de hacer esta oración, y lo has hecho de corazón, entonces estarás con Dios en el cielo cuando mueras. No tienes que dudarlo más.


Puedes comenzar por leer la Biblia, empieza con el Evangelio de Juan en el Nuevo Testamento, y ora diariamente. Estas dos actividades mantienen abiertas nuestras líneas de comunicación con Dios.  Al leer la Biblia, es Dios hablando con nosotros, y nuestras oraciones son la manera en que nosotros le hablamos a él.  También deberías asistir regularmente a una iglesia de sana doctrina en donde se enseñen la Palabra de Dios, la Biblia.  De ésta manera empezarás en el camino correcto hacia una “vida espiritual”.

¡Que Dios bendiga tu caminar con él!


Copyright 2009 by Meshawn Senior/Priscila Ramirez (JMS Tracts)

English Version:  None of Us are Promised Tomorrow

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Time and Tide by violscraper


Have you ever heard the expression, “Time and tide wait for no man?”  If you really think about it, it’s quite a profound statement – and so very true.  Simply put, it means that just as we cannot stop the tide from rising, we cannot stop time from advancing – no matter how much we may want to.  Eventually, both will catch up and overtake us.

Let’s say, for example, we’re at the beach, and we decide to see how far we can walk out into the ocean before we can no longer keep our heads above water.  This particular beach actually has low areas as well as high areas of sand bars below the surface of the water, and we’ve actually encountered quite a few on our way out, which is quite a considerable distance.  However, we are totally oblivious to the fact that the tide is now starting to come in, and the water level is rising.  We’re safe for the time being on a high area of sand – but if we try and walk back to the shore, there are areas that are now too deep to keep our heads above water.  Unfortunately, not all of us are good swimmers, and we’re not wearing life jackets.  But thankfully, this scenario has a happy ending because there are life guards at the beach who see our predicament and paddle out on bodyboards with lifesavers attached to rescue us.

Just as the tide is no respecter of persons, and it doesn’t care that you are stranded far out in the ocean and in danger of drowning, time is no respecter of persons, either.  Everybody’s going to die sooner or later (Hebrews 9:27), and none of us knows exactly when that time will be.  Most people think they’re going to live to be old and gray.  But for many, that’s not always the case.

None of us are promised tomorrow.  I’m sure all would agree with this statement.  But how many of us are ready to face what lies beyond death when it finally does catch up with us?  How many reading this know for sure that when death does come knocking on your door, you have a “Life Saver” who is able to rescue you from eternal death?

Just as the tide will not wait for us to get to higher ground if we are trapped in a low-lying area, death will not wait for us if it’s our time to leave this earth.  Just as we would need a life saver to help keep us from drowning if tide waters do overtake us, we need a Savior to rescue us from eternal death once our time on this earth comes to an end.  And we have such a Savior.  His name is Jesus Christ.  Learn more about Him in the article entitled “Who is Jesus Christ?” at GotQuestions.org.  Be blessed.


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In the following video, famed neurosurgeon, Dr. Benjamin Carson, gives a noteworthy speech at the National Prayer Breakfast held in Washington DC on Thursday, February 7, 2013.  He refused to be politically correct, and actually spoke out about its dangers during his speech.  He gave brilliant solutions to America’s educational, economic, and health care problems that will hopefully not be swept under the rug and forgotten.  Dr. Carson is a strong man of God, and he wasn’t afraid to speak the truth, even with the President and First Lady sitting just a few feet away.  This is a definite must-see.



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There is only one Name under Heaven
Given to man by which we must be saved
He is above every dominion
Jesus Christ, Yeshua is His Name


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1 Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves, And the rulers take counsel together, Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,

“Let us break Their bonds in pieces And cast away Their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision.

Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure:

“Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.”

“I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.

Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.

You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’”

10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear, And rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, And you perish in the way, When His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

                                                                                       ~ Psalm 2

Food for Thought

The above passage is from the Tanach – the Holy Scriptures of the Jewish Bible.  It speaks of God’s “begotten Son.”  Compare this with the following…


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”

(John 3:16-18 – New Covenant)

And that name is Yeshua ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah).  May these words bless you and encourage you.  Amen.

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The following is a video of a speech that was given by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, author of “The Harbinger,” at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC on January 21, 2013.  This is a VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE for all Americans and, in my opinion, a dire warning.  Please consider the words being said.



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Photo Credit: Shannon Hicks/Newtown Bee.


On December 14, 2012, crazed gunman, Adam Lanza, forced his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and brutally shot and killed 20 children and 6 adults.  He also murdered his own mother a short time before arriving at the school, and eventually took his own life when it was all over.

In times like this, many are asking, “Why would God allow such heinous and senseless violence to happen – especially to innocent children?” Some have made reference to God and prayer being taken out of schools; that this is the reason it was allowed to happen.  Perhaps it’s a contributing factor, but it goes much deeper than this.

The following is a sermon that was given by Pastor Steve Hadley from Harvest Family Felllowship regarding this tragedy.  He does a great job of answering the above question (and more) in his sermon entitled, “Why Tragedy?”  May it bring some sense to this horrible event and maybe even to personal tragedies that some of you reading this may have experienced.   I hope it blesses you.


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